·A new journal from the American Chemical Society coming January 2009… ★ ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Led by Professor Kirk S. Schanze of the University of Florida as Editor-in-Chief, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces will be the first ACS publication to focus solely on the applied science and engineering aspects of materials and interfaces. Its editorial content will include a broad range of topics across the materials sciences spectrum, and will serve the interdisciplinary interests of chemists and professionals engaged in applied research and development. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces will publish articles on: 1) advanced active and passive electronic/optical materials 2)coatings 3)colloids 4)biomaterials and bio-interfaces 5)polymer materials 6)hybrid and composite materials 7)friction and wear 杂志主页:http://pubs.acs.org/journals/aamick/index.html ·A new journal from RSC publishing launching summer 2008 ★ Energy & Environmental Science A new journal linking all aspects of the chemical sciences relating to energy conversion and storage, alternative fuel technologies and environmental science. ·Scope The journal recognises the complexity of issues and challenges relating to energy and environmental science and therefore particularly welcomes work of an interdisciplinary nature across both the (bio) chemical and (bio)physical sciences and chemical engineering disciplines. ·Topics include: 1) Solar energy conversion and photovoltaics 2) Fuel cells 3) Hydrogen storage and (bio) hydrogen production 4) Materials for energy systems 5) Carbon capture and storage 6) Catalysis for a variety of feedstocks (e.g. oil, gas, coal, biomass and synthesis gas) 7) Biofuels and biorefineries 8) Geochemistry and Geothermal energy 9) Global atmospheric chemistry 10) Climate change 11) Artificial photosynthesis 12) Life cycle assessment 13) Chemicals from carbon dioxide 14) Energy systems and networks 15) Nuclear power including fusion technologies 杂志主页:http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/Journals/EE/About.asp