模板: 默认文章页 预览 模板别名: 默认文章页 确定 取消 应用 [会议]Emerging Materials for Renewable Energy Symposium during the 257th ACS National Meeting & Exposition:

[会议]Emerging Materials for Renewable Energy Symposium during the 257th ACS National Meeting & Exposition:


March 21- April 4, 2019, Orlando (Florida, US) 

 the symposium entitled “Emerging Materials for Renewable Energy” that will be held during the 257th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, in Orlando (Florida, US) during March 21- April 4, 2019. The symposium will feature recent advances in microporous/mesoporous materials for biomass conversion and separations. We hope that this meeting will provide an opportunity to share recent results and further develop collaborative opportunities in this field.
    Please let us know at your earliest convenience if you will be able to accept our invitation to submit an abstract. We ask that you submit your abstract by October 29 2018. The symposium flyer is attached with more information.